NEVER Pledge to Mangie

Worst f'in a**hole i ever seen..

after being max tier supporter for months

Once he finally realised who i was..

Bans me after making me lose over 60 f'in HOURS of my week

Trying to get my rewards trying to fix a gmail issue that never existed

This is how much of a piece of shit he is

Here's the Discord DM's Before Ban


— Today at 12:56 PM

ok sorry took a bit

Added gmail DNS settings To be extra sure


the email Most likely to work since i just fully whitelisted you

and will be the new mail i will switch to is


or if you prefer using another gmail 


But, got no other discord i normally never use this


i could always give u phone # to send via text if u want


— Today at 1:00 PM

do you have another email address?


— Today at 1:00 PM

from different provider?


— Today at 1:01 PM

for some reason it says it can't find those 2 email addresses


— Today at 1:03 PM

are you using a 3rd party mail client?


— Today at 1:05 PM


do you have other email address or not?


— Today at 1:08 PM



— Today at 1:09 PM

that's odd

It says it cannot find it either

Are you sure that email address is correct?


— Today at 1:10 PM

all of those mails have been fully functional for atlast 5+ yrs

maybe since you must be doing mass sending on thee 3rd

your account might be having email reputation score issues

not having text with only links or attachments gets google all hyped up


— Today at 1:12 PM

Same result with other account of mine


— Today at 1:12 PM

want me to try send you a mail see if u can reply it?


— Today at 1:18 PM

Do you have any other email address


— Today at 1:20 PM

are you trying to mail with a phone?


— Today at 1:21 PM


It's getting late here

Do you have another email address or not


— Today at 1:24 PM

i have around 50+ webmail..

bu..t there has to be something wrong with your DNS perhaps

because all my mails work perfectly fine

i dont see how other would work




if its been a while since you cleared your google cookies that could be a cause 

or if your pc dns is expired it might need a  ipconfig/flushdns

Mangie — Today at 1:36 PM


name them all then

My network is fine


— Today at 1:39 PM

ur network can't be fine if u fail to send an email to 5 fully functional emails..

unless it is and uve been fkin with me for wtv reason


— Today at 1:48 PM

Why did you have to sacrifice elden ring only to buy subscription from someone you hate down to your guts?

Did you really think everyone is as stupid as you?

Why did you not listen to roroko?


— Today at 1:49 PM

I Guess u be stupider? took you 4 months to figure out who i was

and wtf has ever been ur problem with me anyway?

Let me guess.. u feel targeted?

cause i have a justified opinion about paywallers?


— Today at 1:49 PM

I don't care how broke you are

stay the fuck out of my sight


— Today at 1:50 PM

wtf did i ever do to you?

can you fkin tell me instead of being a stuck up pussy


 — Today at 1:50 PM

Your message could not be delivered. This is usually because you don't share a server with the recipient or the recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends. You can see the full list of reasons here:

Only you can see this • Dismiss message

GJ Proving My Point Mangie You SPINELESS PAYWALLING F***

Basically in case you wonder

I Never spoke to his dumbass before

But a year ago.. i shared my opinion about paywallers

As a person making mods for FREE since 2007.. While being grossely under appreciated even though i put 5 times more efforts into what i do.. then anyone actually getting support..

I of course...

ABSOLUTELY Despise ANYONE who ruins the modding scene to be a spineless ILLEGAL paywalling FK

And of course.. Since his greedy ass was one of the first to do it

I obviously stated his name once..

Annnd thats it...


for a comment on some dead reddit

about a subject which my opinion is fully justified

Due to his actions not only being IMMORAL.. But ILLEGAL..

BussyBoy over here holds a grudge for nearly 2 years

If i was a pusher...

i'd have no rights to be offended if people disliked me for ruining people lives with addictive substances..

Just Like..

He Selling Copyrighted Black Desert Assets

Fully hidden on patreon using mails only to be less traceable like some sewer rat thief

When on top of that..

it Barely takes 10h to rig premade Assets


his lazy ass makes no more then 2 armors a month when earning 10k+

That's more then my Yearly Budget..

Id be giving Minimum 15+ fully rigged outfit + extras

for less then 1/5 of that

Just goes to Show..

how much of a prideless self centered Fk he became

by Minoumimi Update on 2023-03-23
By giving a Reward you can download the attachment(s) instantly.(amount is set by author) The gift of a rose leaves a lasting impression.