Modified based on several mods from Nexus Mods. Permitted by the authors.
V1.8 Retextured to fix the issue on material when sheathed.
V1.7 Added SE from DARK SOULS. Applied some minor tweaks to the VFX.
V1.6 Added new VFX of lighting and particles. Applied some minor tweaks to the VFX. Retextured again to get closer to the appearance in original game.
V1.5 Fixed a bug that the VFX showing on the crossguard.
V1.4 Applied some minor tweaks to the VFX.
V1.3 Fixed a bug that VFX not working properly.
V1.2 Added VFX.
V1.1 Enhanced the textures.
Textures of 1.1 above compared to 1.0 below.
Holy Moonlight Great Sword from Bloodborne, replaces Kirin Great Sword (for the reason of being Seven-Branched Sword, which the Moonlight Sword from Sekiro is shaped).
Retextured twice to enhance the contrast and accuracy, to get closer to the appearance in original game.
VFX added:
When unsheathed the edge of the blade is shiny, with moonlight lighting and particles surging VFX. When swinging there is a Bloodborne style trajectory (the edge glow and trajectory are from the VFX of Holy Moonlight Switch Axe, and the original mod has a Long Sword version without VFX). The blade is filled with moonlight energy when charging. Some VFX changes from blue to green when Charge Level 3 Attacks.
(Redirect) [6.1MB] Holy Moonlight Switch Axe - replaces Black Diablos Switch Axe
(Redirect) [4.1MB] Holy Moonlight Long Sword - replaces Legiana Long Sword
SE added:
The SE of unsheathing and swinging are replaced with the SE of the Moonlight Greatsword from DARK SOULS. The SE of Charge Level 3 Attacks is replaced with the classic SE of Fully Charged Strong attack/Weapon Art. The SE of sheathing, the Charge Level 3 Charges and Tackles were also modified. Also the SE of hitting ground was replaced with DARK SOULS version (works for all Great Swords), the sound is very close to the original but with more depth. And the volume of all SE was carefully tuned to be almost the same as the original. A version that has all the modified SE mentioned above and works for all Great Swords is also available.
Hunter Set and Maria Hunter Set from Bloodborne, replace MR Pukei-Pukei armor set and MR Coral Pukei-Pukei armor set (for the reason of the iconic hats). Maria Hunter Set is able to be colored, the body piece has a special effect that tweak the leg proportion.
The original mods were for male hunters (below), I've tweaked them to fit the female body proportion (download at the end of the article).
(Redirect) [22.6MB] Hunter Set (Male) - replaces MR Direwolf armor set
(Redirect) [103.3MB] Maria Hunter Set (Male) - replaces HR Tzitzi-Ya-Ku armor set
Showcase, with some other mods of weapons from Bloodborne:
(搬运)[3.7MB] 野兽猎人弯刀+打桩机片手剑 - 替换迅龙片手剑
(搬运)[27.6MB] 洛格力斯转轮+大口径老式枪铳枪 - 替换苍火龙铳枪