技巧和工具 / 向外国人介绍Mod的准则建议 Tips and Tools / Guideline Suggestion for presenting Mods to Foreigners
Monster Hunter:Rise Mod Talk

我向大家问好 - 兔年快乐。我想与你分享一些提示,如何使用caimogu.org网站向外国人介绍你的mods。我自己不会写也不会说中文,所以我用一个翻译软件来帮助我写这个。via DeepL

First thing first, I like to express my gratitude to the founders of the international version of caimogu.cc. That is because I know caimogu for a very long time, having good mods and such I was looking at. But I was not able to download for many reasons, like you needing a Chinese phone number for registrations and such alike.

Having an international version is helping Chinese speaking modders and non-Chinese-speaking mod users to get closer, which is a great project.

Thank you very much for that!

I am fairly new to this community, so please forgive me if I am not accurate or make mistakes. I still like to share suggestions as part of the community, to make things more enjoyable for everyone.





1.DeepL as Translator

It is not fair to expect Chinese people to be good in English, as Americans are not good in Chinese either. But you can use a translator app to help yourself. I recommend DeepL or Google Translator. As long as you use it with good words in mind, it is very nice and can help to a certain extent your presentation.


1.DeepL 作为翻译

指望中国人的英语好是不公平的,因为美国人的中文也不好。但是你可以使用一个翻译软件来帮助自己。我推荐DeepL 或谷歌翻译器。只要你在使用它时考虑到好词好句,它就非常好,并能在一定程度上帮助你的演讲。

2.Use Screenshots

Even if you do not use a translator app, and decide to publish in Chinese only, it is good if you provide screenshots to show what your mod is changing. Otherwise foreigners will more likely ignore it, because they cannot read Chinese. Three screenshots is the recommended number for a mod post.

Best place for character screenshots is Gathering Hub Prep Area. It has great lightning for closeup screenshots. Alternatively use Screenshot Tools https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EN0Rhua8UKM

Extra kudos for providing preview videos!



角色截图的最佳地点是Gathering Hub Prep Area。它有很好的闪电来进行特写截图。也可以使用截图工具


3.Google Drive <=> Baidu

Because foreigners cannot register with Baidu, a download link which is using Baidu is no good. Using Google Drive or MEGA.nz or DropBox which are popular for foreigner is better. They often do not need a phone number to register. Only email. And they are free to use, making them very easy.

If it is impossible, please check if you can recommend a Baidu downloader for foreigners like https://www.gizdev.com/download-files-from-pan-baidu-using-link-generator/

3.Google Drive <=> 百度

因为外国人不能在百度上注册,所以使用百度的下载链接是不好的。使用Google Drive或MEGA.nz或DropBox这些对外国人来说很流行的链接会更好。他们通常不需要电话号码来注册。只有电子邮件。而且它们是免费使用的,因此非常容易。


4.Community Points & Rewards

Someone new not understanding caimogu might complain that your mod is "expensive", because they do not understand Community Points. To those people it looks like you can download only with rewards which is 1USD (6,78 CNY) = 1GOLD. You can tell them this:

You can download this mod with Community Points. Rewards with GOLD are entirely optional. See also this pinned post.



不了解caimogu的人可能会抱怨你的mod很 "贵",因为他们不了解社区积分。在这些人看来,你只能用1美元(6,78人民币)=1金币的奖励来下载。你可以这样告诉他们。

You can download this mod with Community Points. Rewards with GOLD are entirely optional. See also this pinned post.


5.Mod Requirements

This one is simple. Most people know how to use mods, so you can do something like this




Fluffy Mod Manager https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/7

REFramework https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/26

FirstNatives https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/848

Just linking suffices, as people know them, and the webpages have extensive explainations in English for foreigners





6.Tell clearly what your mod is replacing

If you tell clearly what your mod is replacing, it is easier for foreigners to understand and find the mod. Example given this mod replaces Diablos GreatSword.


如果你清楚地告诉你的mod所取代的是什么,那么外国人就会更容易理解和找到这个mod。举例来说,这个MOD取代了Diablos GreatSword。

7.Good Tagging = Good find

Use good tags to make your mod easier to find and filter. Examples for good tags



#WeaponMod, #ChargeBlade, #ArmorMod, #Appareal, #Sexy, #VFX, #Effects, #Cheat

8.Be proud of your work

Last but not least, be always proud of your work. When you decide to share your mod, then be proud of it and only show good work. If someone does not respect your work tell them

I've put lots of hard work into this mod. If you do not respect it, you must not use it.

Never be disencouraged or offended by people who are just mean. You share great work, and you deserve praise. Be proud and thank you for your hard work!



I've put lots of hard work into this mod. If you do not respect it, you must not use it.



Thank you all for your good work!

By the way, if you think the translation was okay, I recommend DeepL as browser extension and as app. I think it is a great help for everyone!

顺便说一句,如果你认为翻译还可以,我推荐DeepL 作为浏览器扩展和应用程序。我认为它对每个人都有很大的帮助!

See here for a Demo Post

Information: I am quitting using caimogu.org due to the lack of responsibility by the mod authors and caimogu. Therefore, please direct future questions to the management.

by Anna Bielikova Update on 2023-03-10
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